How to Watch Deezer Abroad

Last Updated on December 5, 2023 by VPNPioneer

Deezer, a popular music streaming service, may have restrictions on content access when you’re abroad.

To continue enjoying your favorite tunes on Deezer from anywhere in the world, you can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Why Use a VPN for Deezer Abroad?

Deezer may limit access to certain content based on your geographical location due to licensing agreements.

A VPN allows you to change your IP address, making it appear as if you’re accessing Deezer from a different location, thereby bypassing these restrictions.

Choosing the Right VPN

Selecting a reliable VPN is crucial for a seamless streaming experience.

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$2.99 / month$6.29 / month$2.03 / month
50 Countries105 Countries91 Countries
5,000 Servers7,500 Servers6,000 Servers
AES-256 EncryptionAES-256 EncryptionAES-256 Encryption
6 DevicesUnlimited DevicesUnlimited Devices

NordVPN is recommended due to its strong security features, extensive server network, and user-friendly interface.

Steps to Listen to Deezer Abroad with NordVPN

1. Subscribe to NordVPN

Visit the NordVPN website and subscribe to a plan that suits your needs. Create your NordVPN account during the subscription process.

2. Download and Install NordVPN

Download the NordVPN application on your device. Install the application following the provided instructions. NordVPN supports various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

3. Log in to Your NordVPN Account

Open the NordVPN app and log in using the credentials you created during the subscription process.

4. Choose a Server

Once logged in, you’ll see a list of available servers. Choose a server in a location where Deezer is accessible. Opting for a server in the United States or Europe is often a reliable choice.

5. Connect to the Chosen Server

Click the “Connect” button to establish a connection to the selected server. NordVPN will secure your connection and assign you an IP address from the chosen location.

6. Access Deezer

Open your web browser or the Deezer app and navigate to the Deezer website. With NordVPN connected, you should be able to access Deezer as if you were physically located in the server’s country.

7. Enjoy Deezer Abroad

Congratulations! You’ve successfully unlocked Deezer abroad with NordVPN. Now, you can continue exploring and listening to your favorite music, regardless of your actual location.

What to Watch on Deezer

  1. Music Videos:
    • Explore a vast collection of music videos from your favorite artists.
  2. Concert Recordings:
    • Enjoy live performances and concert recordings for an immersive musical experience.
  3. Exclusive Interviews:
    • Dive into behind-the-scenes content with exclusive interviews featuring musicians.
  4. Curated Playlists:
    • Find handpicked playlists catering to various moods, genres, and occasions.
  5. Artist Documentaries:
    • Discover in-depth documentaries about your beloved musicians and bands.
  6. Lyric Videos:
    • Sing along with lyric videos to your most cherished songs.
  7. Music Documentaries:
    • Gain insights into the music industry through engaging documentaries.
  8. Live Sessions:
    • Experience intimate live sessions showcasing artists in unique settings.
  9. Top Charts:
    • Stay updated with the latest hits and trending music through Deezer’s top charts.
  10. Podcasts:
    • Explore a diverse range of podcasts covering music, culture, and entertainment.

Enjoy a world of audio and visual entertainment on Deezer!


By following this guide, you can easily listen to Deezer abroad using NordVPN. Overcoming geographical restrictions becomes a straightforward process, allowing you to enjoy music on Deezer from any corner of the globe.

Grab your device, connect to NordVPN, and enhance your music streaming experience, even when you’re far from your usual location!

FAQ Watch Deezer Outside of the US

Why can’t I access Deezer abroad?

Deezer may restrict content based on your location due to licensing agreements.

How can a VPN help me listen to Deezer abroad?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) changes your IP address, making it seem like you’re accessing Deezer from a different location, bypassing geographical restrictions.

How do I use NordVPN to listen to Deezer abroad?

Subscribe to NordVPN.
Download and install NordVPN on your device.
Log in to your NordVPN account.
Choose a server location where Deezer is accessible.
Connect to the chosen server.
Open Deezer in your web browser or app.
Enjoy Deezer as if you were in the server’s country.

Which VPN is recommended for Deezer?

NordVPN is recommended for its robust security features, extensive server network, and user-friendly interface.

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